I used to depend on other people going with me to walk, and to that end I fantasize about putting an ad in the local foreign-language Penny Saver-type rag saying:
Wanted: person-walker
Just like walking a dog, but no running and no picking up poop. I can't pay you money, but as an energy exchange or barter I will help you with your English language skills. Learn proper pronunciation and grammar for the low, low price of taking a lady for a walk around the park for an hour or so a day.
My other choice is to invent an invisible friend to walk with me. My last invisible friend was French (with a Parisian accent, no less!); this time, the odds are he'll be Korean. The good news is I get to work on my foreign language skills; the bad news is it's cheating, because I should really be doing this by myself with no outside help, real or imagined. Ah, well ::sigh::
So here's my ad for the local invisible friend Penny Saver:
Wanted: person-walker and invisible friend
To take me for walks around the park, to accompany me as I run errands, and to love me, encourage me, and motivate me to get my ass in gear. Multilingual a plus, and intellectually stimulating conversation is a huge plus.
I forgot to mention that the lack of intellectual stimulation over the past year has also been a factor in my decline since the loss of my teacher. I miss those conversations. Hopefully my new invisible friend will be the best conversationalist ever! Yeah, I know it's all imaginary, but I don't actually expect a real human to answer my ad.
Oops, 5:30 AM; time to finish watching my kdrama and catch a bit of sleep. 안녕히 주무세요; 사랑해요, 친구. (I'm sure my invisible friend can read 한글, plus I wanted to show off my new typing skills ㅅ_ㅅ.)
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