Saturday, March 3, 2012

Poetry Info

There's a show on the CUNY channel* called Voices and Visions that has various different kinds of films about poets.
Next week it's supposed to be a repeat of their show on William Carlos Williams, although on's schedule it says it'll be a show on Hart Crane. I'm hoping the cable TV's schedule is the right one, because I saw the Williams episode before and enjoyed it.

This is Just to Say, by William Carlos Williams
artwork by Ivan Boothe, on

*For those of you not in New York, CUNY is the City University of New York; CUNY TV is their television station, on Channel 75 on the various NYC cable stations. They have podcasts and YouTube videos of a bunch of their shows for all you out-of-region folks, but sadly I don't think Voices and Visions is one of them.

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