Friday, April 20, 2012

How I Am Like A Lawn

I spent the weekend in the country recently, and as always happens when I change scenery, I got some new perspectives.

It has to do with lawns. (For the strictly city-folk among you, lawns are expanses of ground covered with grass and the occasional shrub for use as status symbols, areas upon which to play touch football, dining areas for summer barbecues, and sources of "good healthy outdoor exercise" in the form of lawn maintenance [consisting of watering, weeding, seeding, and cutting the grass, preferably while riding a fancy tractor-like lawn mower].)


You see, I have something in common with a lawn:
I have a lot of knowledge spread out over a wide area, but it rarely goes very deep.

Although I value my interest in a wide variety of subjects (more on that in my next post), I feel that now I want to spread out a little less and dig down a little more; I want to deepen my understanding of something and concentrate on it for a while (for example, I'd like to increase my fluency in French) rather than my usual practice of flitting from subject to subject.